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Your complete guide to Price Monitoring

Managing an e-commerce business can be challenging, and as the e-shop grows, so does the number of tasks that need to be performed. Administration, product procurement (or manufacturing), pricing and delivery, customer support, advertising, warehousing – these are just some of the tasks that require attention. Between all that, you have to find the time…

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product matchingproduct matching

Key Aspects of Product Matching in Price Monitoring Process

Product matching in the context of e-commerce refers to the process of identifying and linking identical or similar products across different online stores or platforms, even if they are described or categorized differently. This process is essential for price comparison, competitive analysis, inventory management, and ensuring that consumers see accurate product information regardless of the…

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White price tag icon with white text over purple backgroundWhite price tag icon with white text over purple background

Price monitoring in Mercado Libre: solutions for e-shops

Introduction to Mercado Libre Mercado Libre, often dubbed the “eBay of Latin America,” is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the region. With millions of active users and a vast product catalogue, Mercado Libre provides a significant opportunity for e-shops to reach a broad customer base. Succeeding on this platform requires effective price monitoring…

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