
Monitor the market

and outmatch your competition

Discover the products that are missing in your assortment.
Identify new brands on the market, see what makes your offer stand out and which products are worth advertising
thanks to our Assortment Report.

What is the Assortment Report?

It is a set of data containing the entire assortment of a specific source (crawler/aggregator) – a list of all offers from a specific time period, downloaded from a given address in .csv or .xslx format.

How does it work?

In the default version, the reports are generated on Mondays at 6 a.m., and they include offers accumulated from the past week. However, there are exceptions to this rule when it comes to the day, hour and range of the downloaded offers. Contact us to get to know all the possibilities!

The current market data within your reach

Our report is a powerful tool to build your market advantage. You will easily identify the brands that are worth including in your offer. You will also discover the products that are missing in your competitors’ shops, and you will be aware of the strong points of your product portfolio.

Thanks to the competitor Assortment Report:
You will learn what’s missing in your offer
Get data on products in other shops – about prices, and current availability, which will help you to react to competitor activities.
You will receive a list of competitor products
Get data on products in other shops – about prices, and current availability, which will help you to react to competitor activities.
You will get to know the alternatives to your products
Become aware of the alternatives and similar products offered by your competition in their online shops.
You will check the status of monitoring
Quickly check whether you are up to date with the competition and if you are monitoring the prices of key products in detail.

Assortment reports – huge value for your business

Learn what your competition is selling and notice the products that appear in other online shops – products that may be missing in your offer. You will quickly and easily see which items are worth adding to your product portfolio.

Don’t wait! Contact us and receive key data for your business.

Open up to new possibilities and maximize your results with Dealavo
Create strategies based on real market data
In e-commerce, every tool that accelerates decision-making is invaluable. Thanks to Dealavo’s Assortment Reports, companies gain complete insights into the market, serving as a foundation for the development of effective pricing and assortment strategies.

They trust us

About us

As a leader on the market, we help our clients in the optimization of prices, distribution networks and general DPSM strategies (Distribution, Pricing, Shelving, Merchandising). Our innovative solutions are used by both international giants as well as small companies from 24 countries. We monitor 32 markets from different parts of the world, and the list continues to grow

Feedback from our clients:
In today’s market reality (..) quick access to information and analysis are key (..) Dealavo gives us this access, providing information on the execution of our distribution and pricing strategies on the market. (..) There is nothing impossible for Dealavo.
At Dr. Max, we sell thousands of products. Thanks to the Dealavo tool, we are always up to date with the situation on the market. Dealavo is capable of providing us with reliable data about 24 thousand products. We receive dedicated reports that help us better understand our competitive environment.
From the very first contact with Dealavo, I consider this company as world-class in many ways. The quality of the data they provide is excellent. The team is easy to cooperate with, and eager to do more than expected from them.

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