How do Marketing Agencies increase the ROI of their campaigns thanks to Price Monitoring?

Data about prices can be helpful from different perspectives. Webshops can check their competitors’ prices, producers can analyse their clients’ activities, or agencies can adjust their campaigns to get the best results and the highest ROI. In this article, we will show stories of two agencies, which with Dealavo were able to maximise their results and significantly improve their campaigns’ results.

One of the agencies working with us had the following issue: one of their biggest clients was not satisfied with the effects of campaigns run by the agency, despite their excellent execution. The client threatened to terminate the contract. The agency started to investigate the market using price data delivered by Dealavo and they found that this particular client was selling products not only in his shop, which the agency was promoting but also in a marketplace, having much lower prices there. That meant that the prices of webshop were not competitive on the market, mostly because of the shop’s marketplace offer. The client was unconsciously competing with himself, wasting his money on advertisements of wrong offers. After unifying the offer and creating a common price strategy, the agency was able to significantly increase its results in the field of paid advertisement. In this case, as their client’s strategy was the one called the “High Low strategy”, they concentrated on advertising their traffic generators. They have chosen products with the best price on the market, which they knew would attract customers to the webshop and made them even more visible on the internet.

Another agency came to Dealavo with a different case. Their client wanted to promote their whole portfolio of over 10 000 products. The client couldn’t identify his priorities and the agency didn’t know which product had the most potential for being promoted. However, they knew that if the price of a product was not attractive enough i.e. higher than the market average, then even the best promotion wouldn’t help in sales. They needed to identify the products with the most attractive offer on the market, but also others that were close to the best position i.e. for which the small decrease in price would mean getting to the top of the listings. However, the size of the portfolio was overwhelming from the perspective of the manual identification of these products. Thanks to Dealavo they were able to identify the most important product within minutes and to prepare the ads campaigns for selected products having results much better than average campaigns they led in the past.
What is more, having data of the client already in the Dealavo system, they realised that for this particular client there was great potential in selling on Amazon. While the client was fighting with competitors in current channels, his offer would be very attractive on this website, having little competition and a much higher margin. The agency recommended such expansion to the client, not only proactively helping the client, but also, allowing them to lead advertisements on a new channel.

We can see that campaigns supported with analytical data perform better and are less sensible of external changes. Current data allows the agency to control if they invest the budget into the proper product, knowing that if the price is not attractive, there will be no spectacular results in the advertisements. Decisions based on data brought agencies much better results, made the clients stay with them, and even expand the cooperation.