Competitor monitoring

Since 87% of consumers compare prices before shopping online, platforms like Google Shopping, eBay, and Amazon have made the market transparent for consumers in terms of products and pricing. We believe it’s time to bring that same transparency to you as an e-commerce store.

Get an overview of your competitors and business

With the market’s most innovative and user-friendly pricing tool, we offer you unique insights into your competitive landscape. You can view your competitors’ prices, stock status, price history, and overall price index.

Understanding your competitors’ price history lets you compare your performance with theirs, enabling you to take actions that increase profit, secure sales, and grow your business.

Receive personalized reports and notifications

You can automatically receive personalized reports with the information you need about the brands, products, or categories you oversee, whenever you choose.

Additionally, we can notify you every time a competitor changes their prices on specific products, helping you stay ahead.

Personalized dashboards

You and your entire team can have personalized dashboards, giving you unique control and insights. You can customize your dashboard by dragging and dropping widgets with the information that matters most to you.

Whether it’s products, performance data like conversions, sales numbers, or competitor price history, we ensure you have the insights needed to optimize your work and increase sales.

Plug & play solution

All our platform needs is your product feed, like the one you use for Google Shopping in XML, CSV, or Excel format, and we’ll find your competitors’ prices, stock status, and more.

With our API feed solution, you can connect your account to your systems or Power BI. Our integration also lets you connect with your store system, like Shopify, for seamless dynamic pricing, ensuring everything works together automatically.

Step 1

Send your product feed

Step 2

Get valuable competitive data

Step 3

Increase your revenue

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