Why should I use repricing in my eBay store?
Leveraging repricing for eBay may bring you a lot of benefits, one of which is time efficiency since automating pricing strategies can save you much time you can spend on other activities. Also, repricing with Dealavo means you can always be sure that everything goes according to plan.
Do I need to use Dynamic Pricing in my eBay store if I don’t want to be the cheapest on the marketplace?
Not really. Actually, being the cheapest seller does not sound like a good idea in a long run. Since product price is one of the most important factors that determines customers’ behaviors, Dealavo facilitates the efficient application of pricing policy predictions through data integration and aggregation of industry-specific parameters.
What are the major features of Dealavo for eBay marketplace shop owners?
This the most significant benefits of choosing Dealavo for your eBay store:
better understanding of the market overall thanks to precise data analyses,
dynamic price changes thanks to advanced AI algorithms and predictions,
indicating spots for price wars that could damage your business,
great time efficiency thanks to pricing automations,
customizable price alerts and Dealavo’s individual suggestions and recommendations for the best repricing policy.
How much does the integration cost?
Our prices are discussed individually, but you can be sure that Dealavo only charges you for what you actually choose to implement. No hidden costs. What’s more, we also offer you a free, 7-day trial, so you can check our tool for yourself to see if it suits your needs.
How often can the system update the prices in my shop, according to the price rules?
The product prices suggested by our Dynamic Pricing feature can make you gain more and more customers, ensuring optimized profits for your e-store. The prices are updated by our systems up to a few times per day.