First of all, the structure of a product feed should be aligned with the planned marketing activities and contain information about all the relevant product attributes. Second of all, you should remember that the requirements can differ across the platforms – that’s why you should always check the specifications characteristics for the chosen one. We discuss the most relevant issues below.
However, creating a file is not everything. You should make sure that the product feed is always up-to-date – after all, it is natural that the assortment and prices are subject to certain changes. Frequent, or even daily, updates of the product feed are necessary for the actions to be effective. In many cases the updates can be automated – sometimes, however, they require some manual actions.
When preparing the file, it is also worth extending it with additional information, even if it was not included in the specification. The more data you include in the feed, the better. In particular, it is worth supplementing it with different variants of promotional prices or highlighting the best-selling products.
To ensure the quality of the feed, all attributes such as images, titles, and descriptions should be unique. This is necessary for the product to rank well in the search engine. What is more, accurate product titles and attractive presentation of the offer will help to stand out among the competitors. This is especially important if you plan to operate on price comparison sites where competition is fierce.
Find our more: Product feed what is it and how should it look like?
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