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How to monitor competitive brand products?

Monitoring the prices of own products is a natural activity for brands. However, many of them still forget that to get a full picture of the situation, you also need to track the competition. Thanks to this, it’s possible to gain valuable knowledge about your position on the market and take actions to optimize your...

How often to check product prices online?

Price monitoring is not a process that can be implemented and used in practice for all products and businesses identically, like a copy-paste rule. The products available on the market differ by numerous factors, from the industry through categories, specifications to the final popularity among customers. So how do you customize price monitoring in the...

How to monitor the prices of “difficult” products?

Monitoring the prices of products with EAN codes may seem trivial. However, even if the products have unique codes, the matching process still requires special attention. What then can we do when the products don’t have EAN codes or other available manufacturer codes? How to monitor them? What challenges can we face in data validation?...

Mask prices surge due to coronavirus epidemic

The appearance of a coronavirus in China has caused great concern throughout the world. The new threat has generated huge demand for previously unpopular products such as surgical masks. Although Poland is not one of the places directly threatened by the epidemic, increased sales of masks have also been reported in our country. How did...

How to start price monitoring? Step by step implementation

  Implementation of a new tool in your daily work may seem complicated at first. In reality, however, it is very easy to start using the price monitoring platform, and it also brings many benefits – regular observation of prices on the market is very helpful in making business decisions, both to brands and online...

How to use data from price monitoring? Guide for brands.

  It could seem that the European laws prohibiting manufacturers from imposing their own prices could make monitoring them insignificant. On the contrary – the level of prices on the market, including the prices of your own products and products of your competition, is a critical factor vital to the strategic decisions of both the...

How to choose a price monitoring vendor?

Price monitoring is a very important aspect of e-commerce sales and marketing. However, it may pose certain difficulties – regular checking of online prices requires plenty of perseverance, precision and commitment. This problem can be avoided if the entire process is automated using a price monitoring platform. Before you decide to implement such a tool,...