Dealavo Blog

Author: Aleksandra Holownia

Marketing Manager

A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, finished her studies with distinction. Aleksandra has a lot of experience in the field of marketing and management, enriched by SEO skills. She worked as a Marketing Manager at Dealavo, and as a journalist for Gazeta Prawna.

Marketplaces and auction websites

The two largest e-commerce companies in the world (Amazon and Alibaba) are marketplaces. Nowadays, the e-commerce world is shaped not by single online stores but by extensive shopping platforms, which are, right after Google, the main source of product information for millions of customers. In this article, we are going to take a closer look...

Loss leader pricing – definition and examples

Attracting a customer is a large part of success in retail. Led by this assumption, some companies decided to go with something called loss leader pricing. It’s a pricing strategy where you attract customers to your online store by selling one particular product below profit. However, as you will shortly find out, there are more...

What is the future of retail and why do we still shop locally? Interview with Karsten Holdorf (gap intelligence)

We all observe the shift towards digital in retail but there are still several challenges that it doesn’t cope with. Why is virtual shopping not ready yet to replace analog shopping for high-priced products? What was the impact of the pandemic on purchasing behavior at local stores? Karsten Holdorf, Managing Director at gap intelligence GmbH,...

How to build effective cooperation with retailers? An interview with Agata Mossop.

Agata Mossop, VP Channel Development at Lenbrook International, shares her insights on how to build a distribution network suitable for a particular brand, combine the direct-to-consumer approach with selling through distributors and attract the attention of the customers of an online shop.   Aleksandra Hołownia, Dealavo: In recent years, you have cooperated with distributors and explored...