Model N Alternative: choose the best price tracking software

Price tracking software is a crucial tool in today’s e-commerce world. The better data about your products’ price you have, the more ahead of your competitors you are.

If you are looking for a Model N alternative, you’ve come to the right place.

This article will provide you with all the information needed to choose whether Dealavo or Model N suits your company better. We will go through basic and advanced features comparison, costs, and many more aspects that will give you a solid view of what’s best for your needs.

Dynamic or static pricing?

That’s a very important question that a business owner has to ask himself when it comes to setting a price strategy.

Static pricing is a traditional model in which a product’s price is fixed and has to stay the same even if market trends and competitive prices are fluctuating. It’s good to choose this strategy as a manufacturer since it gives the opportunity to establish one price for every customer on any given terms.

On the other hand, dynamic pricing is a model that gives the opportunity to change products’ prices multiple times, as soon as a product’s price starts to fluctuate due to competitors’ moves or demand changes.

This strategy is widely used in the e-commerce sector since it’s known for dynamic price changes and demand-dependent pricing models.

model n

Both Model N and Dealavo enable their clients to monitor, set, and develop new prices, based on accurate data about competitors’ actions, demand, and supply changes. That is very important to create sales with proper prices.


Better recognition of the market means setting up more accurate prices. What’s the outcome? More revenue may be created. That’s why repricing has gained so much popularity over the last few years in e-commerce.

Repricing is the best way to efficiently stick with the implementation of a given pricing policy.

Both Model N and Dealavo enable their clients to track and develop new prices, based on accurate data about competitors’ prices and assortment changes and demand rotations.

What’s easier to use – Model N or Dealavo?

Ease of use might be the most underrated feature when it comes to price monitoring software. At first, it may not appear so crucial but in a long term, it can be one of the factors that differentiate an easy-to-use tool from the one that is too complicated and less intuitive.

Secondly, when it comes to price tracking software, it is essential to differentiate a company’s primary goals. If a tool is well-matched with a company, it’s naturally easier to use.

That said, the choice of e-commerce tool depends on features that are crucial for a given brand. It also depends on the industry that the company is working in, its main focuses or long-term goals and plans.

Model N is a tool created mainly for bringing visibility, insight and control over the complexities of commercial operations and compliance. It provides high-tech companies with drive growth, profitability and tools that minimize revenue leakage.

Dealavo’s twofold structure (divided into brands and e-shops) allows it to meet the company’s profile and main needs.

Dealavo is an easy-to-use price tracking software that can be used in a very wide spectrum of businesses, gathering tons of data from different e-commerce channels and presenting it in the most convenient way

It’s not only useful in the everyday price tracking process but also while planning long-term pricing or distribution strategy. It makes Dealavo not only a great, intuitive tool for e-commerce brands but also a universal solution for companies with different goals and focuses. 

Dealavo as a Model N alternative – essential features

Regarding Model N’s alternative, Dealavo would fit in well in almost every e-commerce business possible, because of its universal purpose and features that go beyond expectations.

Dealavo compared to Model N stands out with features like:

E-shops tracking

While Model-N focuses on bringing visibility, and simplifying commercial operations and compliance, Dealavo also focuses on advanced E-shops tracking.

It gains all the intel about competitors’ average prices, lowest offers and supply changes to maximize the accuracy of repricing strategies.

This key feature helps track clients’ banners in regard to competitors’ ones. It tracks the frequency, position, and ratio of banner appearances in comparison to other banners on a particular site.

Not only does it allow monitoring competitions’ banners but also comparing them over time so that it’s much easier to plan promotion calendars.

Banner Monitoring also enables them to verify if their trade terms are fulfilled by their business partners. 

Competitor’s assortment reports

Tracking and reporting competitors’ assortment changes is often the best way to precisely predict their actions. Furthermore, it’s much easier to attract completely new clients and to keep them interested.

Dealavo provides its’ clients with complex assortment reports so that the business owner knows exactly their competitors’ supply status.


Model N and Dealavo – advanced features comparison.

If you are in charge of an e-commerce store or brand, there’s one thing that’s undeniably key. 

It’s a range of advanced features you can use, that will get you ahead of your competition. A wide spectrum of basic and advanced features can provide great improvements in your brand’s pricing strategy.

Here is the data about crucial features compared across both tools:

As shown, both software have a great variety of features to offer, but Dealavo comes out on top with the Banner Monitoring system, e-shop tracking and competitor’s assortment reports.


Lastly, there is the price that differentiates Dealavo from Model N.

Model N doesn’t have an established price for their software – it’s based on analysts’ ratings.

Dealavo states that the pricing starts at 140$ per month.

As for such a wide range of features, both tools are offered at good prices, don’t you think?