Dealavo Blog

Author: Amadeusz Bathelt

Marketing Project Manager

Our E-commerce Expert and Product Owner with many years of experience specializing in profit optimization strategies and online sales effectiveness. Amadeusz has a rich portfolio, and worked for such giants as Procter & Gamble. He also has knowledge of mechanical engineering, and can code using MATLAB and Java.

eCommerce Trends and Forecasts to Prepare for in 2022

The advancements in technology have generally improved the lives of people. For example, instead of driving to and from different stores to buy products, consumers can just place the order online using their mobile device at home. This is why business owners must set up an eCommerce store. By bringing your business to the touch...

E-commerce KPIs and metrics you should follow

E-commerce data analytics is the golden secret behind your business success. It offers amazing insight into the behaviors and actions of your potential and current customers. But with the sheer number of potential KPIs and metrics to track, how do you pick the right ones to help you improve your e-commerce conversion rate? Many e-commerce...

How to maximize profit in e-commerce?

During the Covid-19 times, e-commerce boosts. Only in 2020, it grew by 44% year by year in the U.S. [1]. This is an incredible increase in only one year. On the one hand, it gives great opportunities for e-commerce businesses to grow. On the other hand, the number of competitors grows as people are attracted...

Conventional sales strategies in e-commerce. How to use them and what is the Marketing Mix?

Although the times are changing, some areas connected with acquiring new customers and selling products are still the same. We are referring to the Marketing Mix, also known as the 4 P’s – four essential elements that affect sales. What exactly is the Marketing Mix and what is its role in e-commerce? Does this strategy...

How does the market react to the rapid demand changes? Case study of baby care industry during Covid-19

The first mentions of the virus spreading in China started to appear on the Internet in December 2019. Initially, few people considered SARS-CoV-2 to be a serious threat, but more and more information appeared with each passing day about the number of infected people and the fact that the virus was drawing closer. The residents...

The older, the cheaper? Not necessarily. We will try to find out how long manufacturers keep the price of electronics high.

The prices of electronic goods are frequently overestimated when they appear on the market for the first time. The manufacturers are aware that the greatest fans, so-called early adopters, are willing to pay a lot only to get the latest model of their device first. Then, the prices start to fall gradually, and you can...

“It will be cheaper soon…”- Does the price of the previous model always drop after the premiere of a new product version?

A premiere of a new iPhone is for some people like a holiday. Long lines of biggest fans wait in front of shops wanting to be the one who has the newest device on the day of release. For the last few years, new iPhones are released systematically, once per year, which causes old versions...