Dealavo Blog

Author: Aleksandra Holownia

Marketing Manager

A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, finished her studies with distinction. Aleksandra has a lot of experience in the field of marketing and management, enriched by SEO skills. She worked as a Marketing Manager at Dealavo, and as a journalist for Gazeta Prawna.

How will the new API of Allegro affect the availability of analytical data?

Allegro has entered the stock market and generated a lot of publicity in the media – not only because the Polish e-commerce leader has broken the stock market records but also because of the new API, which disrupted the operations of many websites and restricted the availability of information about the market. Allegro has become...

How to learn that you can earn more from a single e-mail message? – Business Process Automation in practice

Recently, we wrote about the role of Business Process Automation in e-commerce. Now, we would like to show you how to use it in practice. Instead of hiring a person full-time to track all important changes on the market, you can get all such information in a single e-mail message that you can read during...

Technology and consumer electronics events – which ones will take place despite COVID?

Every year, several thousands of participants attend technology and consumer electronics’ events. During the most popular conferences, exhibitors and participants can do networking, show their disruptive products and learn about solutions which can add value to their business. The newest trends can also be discussed during the Q&A sessions and discussion panels.  How has the COVID-19 outbreak...

How to use Business Process Automation in e-commerce?

The growth of an e-commerce company increases the number of customers and profits, but it also involves more work and duties. Automation and modern technologies, such as AI, enable us to delegate many simple, repetitive tasks to software and intelligent algorithms. How can automation be used by online shops in practice? Automation of an e-commerce...