Product’s price history – how to check it?
- 29 August 2022
Nowadays prices in e-commerce can change multiple times a day. The main culprit here is the brands that adjust promotional campaigns and change their prices according to current market conditions. That’s what we call Dynamic Pricing. Seasonal and occasional changes are other situations in which prices fluctuate – let’s take Black Friday as an example. Though it seems counter-intuitive, according to Which, even 60% of product prices go up during Black Week.
That’s why it’s important to track prices from different perspectives:
- e-store – to compare your prices to the ones offered by competitors
- manufacturers – to verify at what prices brand products are being sold and to check if there are no ongoing price wars or MAP/MSRP validations,
- customers – to avoid being deceived by “fake promotions”.
In this article, we will show you how to verify a product’s price history and compare prices between different sellers. What’s more, you’ll get to know how to check a product’s price history using Dealavo (a solution for shops and manufacturers) and on platforms such as Amazon, Ceneo, AliExpress, and many more. Let’s go!
Price history – why is it so important to know?
The prices offered in stores change dynamically based on the current market circumstances. This situation is commonly used by retailers to compete with each other which may lead to a wide price diversity. For example, the same product may cost much more just a few days later. However, you can check the price history of a specific product effortlessly. As a consequence, you’ll find out:
- when products are the most expensive,
- whether a specific product is really getting cheaper during the special offer period,
- what was the lowest and the highest price of a specific product?
How to check a product’s price history?
The majority of price changes can be seen in any browser – Chrome, Firefox, or Opera. Nevertheless, you can argue about data quality and accuracy. If your goal is to be fully informed about any occurring price changes, you should definitely consider using a price history tracker. With a little help from such apps, you may be sure the information you get is entirely up-to-date and reliable. That will help you make proper pricing decisions and implement effective pricing strategies.
Dealavo – product’s price history tracking tool for e-brands and manufacturers
Dealavo is a tool that provides price monitoring for e-shops and brands. It’s an online solution that enables internet shops to check their competitors’ prices. It also helps manufacturers in verifying distributors’ offers and detect price validations.
One of the key functionalities of our tool is the ability to check a product’s price history. To do that, all it takes is to choose the product you are interested in and click the “Show historical charts” button. Then the tool shows the history of a particular product from selected sources like Amazon, named competitors’ websites, or directly from the manufacturer’s database. That allows you to see how specific prices changed over time. What’s more, line breaks show you when particular items were out of stock or not available.

Source: screenshot from Dealavo
With Dealavo you can also download the product’s price history chart in an Excel form or through API. Moreover, diverse e-mail alerts will keep you posted in case of any occurring price changes.
Want to learn more about Dealavo? Contact us and get a free demo of our price comparison tool and price history tracker.
Price change history on Amazon
The easiest way to check the price history on Amazon is to use Keepa. It allows you to verify prices in American, German, British, Italian, or French Amazon stores.
How does the price history check proceeds? You only need to follow these 3 steps:
- Click the „Track” button on the top bar;
- Choose the “Search” button;
- Type the product’s name in the search bar.
Next, you just get the results – on the screenshot below you can see an example of a Samsung Tab A7 Lite 8.7 price history displayed in the Keepa tool:

Price change history on AliExpress
On the other hand, if you are an AliExpress vendor, and you want to quickly check a product’s price history on the mentioned platform, go to AliPrice.com. Next, paste in the search box a link to the product that you’re interested in. That’s it! As well as Keepa, AliPrice allows you to easily define the time range and get insight into price changes you are interested in trouble-free.

Product’s price history – other possibilities
Apart from using advanced and well-known price comparison websites, there are also other methods to choose a product’s price history. For instance, you can use special websites such as Fake Friday where retailers may find price changes in the stores with electronic devices like Media Markt, Media Expert, or Neonet. After inserting the product name you will receive a long list with the records from the past 6 months. The website is user-friendly and intuitive, so to withdraw data no advanced skills are required.
Last but not least: the product’s price history on Black Friday and the differences between marketplaces
In this article, we showed you how to check price history and why it’s so important either from the retailer’s or customer’s perspective. Finally, we would like to present you with an example of a toy market analysis in Poland conducted around the Black Friday season with the data gathered by the Dealavo tool.
Based on the analysis of 705.000 toys offers, we determined that:
- 47% of children’s toys were offered at a lower price at the very beginning of November compared to the Black Friday price levels;
- The cheapest offer for children’s toys was available on a Google Shopping price comparison website;
- When it comes to children’s toys the highest competitive platform happened to be Allegro, whereas Polish Amazon was ranked in the last position. The average number of retailers offering the same toys on Allegro reached out to 71, while on Amazon it was only 11.
Given data shows that retailers should track prices not only time-wise but also between different sales channels.
Are you interested in tracking the product’s price history? Contact us and try out Dealavo!