Dealavo Blog

Author: Aleksandra Holownia

Marketing Manager

A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, finished her studies with distinction. Aleksandra has a lot of experience in the field of marketing and management, enriched by SEO skills. She worked as a Marketing Manager at Dealavo, and as a journalist for Gazeta Prawna.

How to set up an effective pricing strategy in online retail? Interview with Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky

“Without discussing pricing performance among the top-level managers, required actions to steer pricing do not become salient” – says Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky, an expert in pricing. In the exclusive interview for Dealavo, he explains how to initiate, set up and evaluate the pricing strategy in online retail. He shares information about the most relevant psychological...

Mobile Search Bar

This article was created in cooperation with Luigi’s Box Mobile devices have become one of the most used devices nowadays. Everyone is constantly communicating or looking for information. Search is a fundamental part of mobile activity, and many apps are used mostly for searching. While searching, users prefer less effort and quick and easy access....

What is price scraping and how does it work?

Today, everything that happens online, including the e-commerce world, is based on data. From that point of view, each store is nothing but a huge data repository. And when it comes to online trade, one of the most important types of data that sellers are interested in are prices. And that’s how we get to...

What is q-commerce, and what do you need to know about it?

The covid-19 pandemic has triggered many shifts in the global retail market. In the last two years, people discovered and appreciated buying various products from the comfort of their homes – even groceries and medicines. Q-commerce makes the most of this fact. This term stands for quick commerce and is all about fast delivery. Let’s...

Odd-even pricing strategy – definition and examples

Do you remember our post about psychological pricing? One of the techniques that we mentioned there was the odd-even pricing strategy. And since it’s quite interesting and versatile to use in different business setups and sectors, we decided to devote a whole new article just to it. To be precise, we have to emphasize that...