Dealavo Blog

Category: Pricing strategies

Value-based pricing strategy – definition and examples

Every brand should thoroughly understand the role of pricing strategy. For customers, the price frequently indicates what products they are dealing with. Usually, expensive items are considered high-quality ones, while cheaper products – inferior. This approach is based on the assumption that price reflects the value behind the product. That’s why, in the value-based pricing...

Price index formula – definition and how to calculate price index

Every brand and every e-commerce business owner should be vitally interested in their price positioning. Why is that? Building a consistent pricing strategy is essential from the strategical perspective for building brand image. To manage it effectively and find out how your products are positioned on the market, you need reliable data about your competitors and...

Price skimming – a strategy for innovative brands

What do you think about lowering prices instead of increasing them? This is what price skimming is all about. Companies that create innovative products, in most cases, initially set high prices for them when they are introduced to the market for the first time, and then, as their products become outdated or replaced, gradually lower...

What is penetration pricing?

Penetration pricing is one of the most effective pricing strategies that allows companies all over the world to maintain a leadership position in their sectors. In this blog post, we want to take a closer look at this pricing strategy. What is penetration pricing? How can you devise an effective penetration pricing strategy? And does...

Psychological pricing – how does it work?

We entitled this blog post “Psychological pricing – HOW does it work?” for a reason. Today, no one doubts that diverse psychological pricing strategies do work and help you attract more customers. In fact, thousands of online stores worldwide use them extensively to sell as many products as possible at the prices bringing the highest...

Pricing strategies in e-commerce

If you analyze pricing strategies in e-commerce, you can discover some trends. Certain brands are always the cheapest on the market, while others tend to reduce the prices of newly launched products only after a specific period of time. The differences can also be found in the method of product distribution – some brands offer...

The older, the cheaper? Not necessarily. We will try to find out how long manufacturers keep the price of electronics high.

The prices of electronic goods are frequently overestimated when they appear on the market for the first time. The manufacturers are aware that the greatest fans, so-called early adopters, are willing to pay a lot only to get the latest model of their device first. Then, the prices start to fall gradually, and you can...