Tools for product managers – the best product planning and management software
- 16 February 2022
E-commerce is all about products, that’s apparent. However, managing products and ensuring their good exposure can be a time-consuming and complex task. That’s why e-commerce product managers use various tools that help them facilitate and accelerate everyday work. In this article, you will find a list of six useful tools that will help you take your product management to the next level.
When it comes to tools for product managers, you’re spoiled for choice. There are hundreds of apps and online tools that are designed to make your everyday work more effective and simple. How can you select the best tool for your online business? To some extent, you will have to test several options before you find the perfect match. But lists like ours are also extremely useful – they allow you to narrow the search and concentrate on just a few apps. Take a look at apps that we deem useful.
Product management software tools
Let’s start with the best inventory management software. Here, Veeqo is worth trying. This platform comes with warehouse solutions, inventory automation, inventory tracking, and even forecasting tools and advanced reporting features. With Veeqo, you can integrate all of your sales channels into one dashboard and manage orders, parcels and returns from one place.
image source: https://www.veeqo.com/
Now, let’s look for the best CRM for your online business. Here, we’d like to propose Zendesk to you. This platform comes in handy both when it comes to customer service and sales. Zendesk helps online retailers manage sales, drive insights from customer data, and gives them access to integrated tools that provide the full context of a customer account in one centralized dashboard. And when it comes to customer service, Zendesk offers full support in various communication channels (messaging, live chat, social, email, or voice) and enables you to create more personalized UX thanks to AI-powered bots.
image source: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408835985434-Overview-of-the-Zendesk-Support-dashboard
Product planning tools
Sometimes, e-commerce product managers have a hard time deciding which products are popular or what new products they should include in their offer. This is where product planning tools come in handy. First off, we want to show you SurveyMonkey. It’s a simple yet effective tool to ask your customers about their opinion. You can ask about products they buy or are interested in. You can ask them to share product ideas or to help you find the best product for your online store. Advanced keyword research helps you set up a proper name for your products.
image source: http://luciacicc.io/surveymonkey-dashboard
Another tool that’s certainly worth your attention is called SellerApp. This online platform is designed especially for Amazon sellers, but every online retailer will find it useful. Thanks to the advanced research tool, you can look for the next bestseller in your store by analyzing 35+ million products over 300 million data points. SellerApp comes with product research features, keyword research capabilities, and even a PPC analyzer. All the knowledge you can derive from this platform will help you boost sales.
image source: https://www.sellerapp.com/
Product portfolio management tools
Lastly, we want to show you two tools that will help you manage your product portfolio more effectively. Let’s start with us – Dealavo price management software. Thanks to our platform, you can streamline and improve your pricing policy. Dealavo offers you full support when it comes to price tracking and price automation. All you have to do is provide information about your offer and set some predefined rules that you want our platform to follow. Once our Dynamic Pricing platform is integrated with your store, prices can be optimized 24/7, even without your participation! Give our platform a try today!
And here’s the last tool that we want to show you – Adobe Commerce. Actually, it’s a large ecosystem powered by Adobe and Magento that helps you with everything related to product management in your store – from customer experiences up to product presentation. And because some time ago, Adobe purchased Magento, you can use this new service as a fully-fledged e-commerce platform for your store. Moreover, with Adobe Commerce, you have full access to the entire Adobe’s ecosystem, so you can benefit from a whole list of other apps and tools that will help you offer high-end customer service and UX. Find out more about Adobe Commerce here.
Of course, the list of online tools and platforms for online sellers is much wider. It’s impossible to squeeze every worthy platform in one short article. But we hope that you’ve found here some proposals that will help you manage products and offer in your online store more efficiently!