Price2Spy alternatives: Compare and choose the best price tracker

A price tracking software and comparison platform is an essential tool for e-commerce professionals these days, allowing them to monitor both competitor and retail prices on the market. If you are considering choosing Price2Spy software and wondering if there are alternative options, you are in the right place!


In the article below, you’ll find all the information you need to make the right decision and choose the tool that suits you best, whether in terms of functionality, pricing, service, or implementation. So, let’s determine the differences between Price2Spy and Dealavo and decide which software will suit you and your business better.


Price2spy – Are you looking for a good alternative?




1.   Dynamic or static prices?

In the e-commerce industry, in most cases, you may encounter two pricing models called dynamic and static pricing. Which one you choose is significant and should depend on many factors. You should align the pricing strategy with your business goals. The software you implement to run your sales should offer you the possibility of objective analysis and choosing the most practical solution. First, however, let’s examine what distinguishes these two pricing models.


A static pricing strategy means the price remains constant regardless of the market situation and trends. In other words, by choosing this traditional model, the cost of your product will remain stable even if industry trends or competitor prices change.


Dynamic pricing is a method of pricing that is increasingly used in online trading. It’s a strategy that constantly adjusts prices, sometimes even within minutes, depending on real-time data. Depending on your chosen e-commerce software, your products’ prices may change automatically or require manual adjustments. Dynamic pricing allows retailers to increase revenue potential further and better serve customers. In addition, the retail market is becoming more vibrant, so dynamic pricing is usually a better solution for e-commerce environments.


Check this out: Dynamic Pricing for Online Shops


Both Price2Spy and Dealavo allow their users to price products based on real-time data. It is worth noting that both platforms also provide a repricing solution, which is the best way to stick to the implementation of a given pricing policy effectively.



2.   What’s easier to use – Price2Spy or Dealavo?

Price monitoring applications, in most cases, come with a very extensive catalog of powerful features. However, whether a given software is effective depends on its ease of use. Complicated solutions do not speed up work. Moreover, they can make tasks more difficult or become a source of unnecessary frustration.


The ease of use depends, among other things, on whether the platform’s features match your brand’s needs. Therefore, only a well-matched solution can be a source of benefits and make working with a given tool streamline daily operations. For example, the essential thing for one brand will be the availability of promotion monitoring functionality, while for another, it will be tracking competitor prices. Therefore, when making a choice, it is worth paying attention to all the features of a given platform.


Price2Spy software will be helpful if you need to monitor websites and products. Especially in the case of product monitoring, the platform has many useful features, such as automatic product matching, capturing more than just the product price, or the ability to monitor the price of a product that does not have a URL.


Dealavo, on the other hand, is a tool that stands out for its dual structure – for brands and e-retailers, allowing you to tailor the platform to your brand’s individual needs. Moreover, this platform will enable you to monitor prices based on data from marketplaces and price comparison sites. If your e-commerce business is active on these sites, the information you gain from Dealavo can benefit you, making day-to-day decisions and planning long-term tasks and strategies easier.


Here are the data presentation featured compared across both tools:



3.   Dealavo vs Price2Spy

Dealavo, in terms of available features, ease of use, and customer service, is a worthy alternative to Price2Spy. First of all, Dealavo stands out with the following features:



Dealavo offers two types of integration. Like Price2Spy, it allows you to integrate with the major e-commerce platforms via API (directly with your store, Power BI, or ERP system). However, by choosing Dealavo, you can also opt for direct integration with selected platforms such as IAI or Baselinker.
Check our full integration with IdoSell.


With its banner monitoring feature, Dealavo allows e-commerce stores to analyze other brands’ online banners. However, this option is not limited to tracking your competitors’ activities. With advanced monitoring, you can also check whether your partners are adhering to the advertising actions agreed with you regarding your brand’s visibility in their stores. For example, you can check how often they are displayed and how they compare to others. Undoubtedly, this is an aspect that strongly influences brand reputation and image, so every online seller should have it under control.



Both solutions provide clients with reliable reports so you can verify what products may be missing from your assortment, what brands are currently gaining popularity, or how your offering compares to the competition.


It’s worth noting, though, that compared to Dealavo, some reports from Price2Spy can be more challenging to understand. With Dealavo, you get clear and visually accessible information individually tailored to your needs. So, you can see the most relevant data at any given time.


Price2Spy and Dealavo – advanced features comparison

When deciding on an e-commerce monitoring platform, it is worth looking at a given application’s full spectrum of possibilities. Of course, you won’t need all the features right away, but in the future, you may find that missing some advanced features will require you to change the tool, and that will cost you some time. Also, the more options you have to choose from, the more opportunities you have to get ahead of your competition.


Let’s have a look at a general overview of the available features in Dealavo and Price2Spy:



We have already mentioned that Dealavo provides brands with relevant information through highly readable reports. It is also worth noting that in addition to the standard reports from the application, Dealavo consultants can develop on-demand reports for you in Excel and CSV formats. With these reports, you can also access historical data that will allow you to see price trends and changes over a selected period. What’s more, Dealavo offers one-on-one advice to help online retailers make better pricing, promotion, and distribution decisions faster.


In the marketplace of e-commerce monitoring applications, it’s hard to find a solution that supports brands in tracking down MSRP/MAP violations on shopping sites and e-shops as effectively as Dealavo. By choosing Dealavo, you can instantly identify price violations and counter them immediately. In addition, Dealavo’s Price Wars module allows you to determine which trading partner has started a price war.


Prices and plans

Choosing an e-commerce monitoring app should not be based primarily on its price, as its effectiveness is determined by its features, and it is through these features that you can grow your e-business. However, it cannot be said that prices are entirely unimportant, so we will also overview them for you in this comparison.


Both Dealavo and Price2Spy offer a free trial of the app. In the case of Dealavo, you can contact a consultant who will prepare a demo for you of the features you are interested in. In the case of Price2Spy, on the other hand, you can sign up and take advantage of a free 30-day trial period.


Dealavo does not have rigid pricing packages. Each offer is individually tailored to the specific user’s needs. The final price depends on many factors, in particular:

  • Number of products monitored
  • Number of monitored sources
  • Frequency of data refreshing


In the case of Price2Spy, you can choose between two types of packages: Basic and Premium. In the Basic offer, the price packages are at $23.95, $59.95, and $119.95 per month, while in the Premium package, they are at $47.95, $119.95, and $299.95 per month. In addition, the app allows you to choose the Enterprise package, allowing unlimited access to all features. In this case, it is necessary to contact a representative to get the price.



There is no doubt that both platforms have several advanced options that effectively support e-commerce businesses. The Price2Spy app will work particularly well for brands looking for a reliable retail pricing tool. This platform relies on machine learning and artificial intelligence to help professionals break down pricing analysis and achieve the desired results. Unlike Dealavo, however, it’s a little less flexible, so if you’re looking for a tool that can be tailored to your specific, individual needs, it’s worth your while to consider Dealavo.


A customized plan will ensure you can use the best features for your e-business, so you don’t incur extra fees for solutions you won’t use. Dealavo is also noteworthy for its numerous audit capabilities, advertising arrangements with partners (banner monitoring), and identifying MSRP/MAP violations on e-commerce sites. If you want to test Dealavo for free, contact our consultant and see how the application can help you.