Priceva Alternatives For E-commerce – Price Monitoring & Competition Tracking for Your E-Store

An understanding of pricing monitoring methods is essential for success in the dynamic world of e-commerce. This article will help you enhance your e-store’s pricing strategy by looking at Priceva alternatives for e-commerce businesses. We will also compare the tool’s capabilities to what our own pricing tracking app, Dealavo, has to offer.


If you think about leveraging price monitoring solutions for e-commerce businesses, Priceva might just have what you need. The tool provides the user with a vast array of advanced features for price management and competition tracking.

With Priceva, you get everything a well-equipped e-store might need to grow and thrive. Pricing-related functionalities include, among others, price scraping, price crawler, MAP monitoring, Digital Shelf Analytics as well as Dynamic Pricing and repricing features. Minimal Advertised Price monitoring helps you optimise your pricing strategy through taking full control over your partners’ product prices.

Although Priceva was officially launched in 2016, its development was really robust past the next few years. It was also noticed and appreciated by such media as yahoo! Finances or Benzinga, and TrustRadius rate the tool 10 out of 10.

However, this text is not going to talk only about Priceva’s features. Here, you will also get to know Priceva alternative, such as Dealavo, our own price monitoring software for e-commerce. We are going to compare Priceva vs Dealavo in terms of the features they offer and the opportunities both tools create for e-stores.

Why Is Price Monitoring So Important For E-commerce?

Keeping an eye on competition prices is a key part for business expansion in the e-commerce space. Priceva’s advanced e-commerce solutions offer you valuable data that lets you make precised and well-informed pricing decisions. Tracking your rivals while simultaneously monitoring your MAP will help you keep your e-store thriving.

If  you want to maintain your competitiveness, you should not forget to never stop moving, since stagnation means defeat. Thanks to Priceva’s Dynamic Pricing and repricing features, your e-store’s competitiveness level can stay the same throughout all the highs and lows of the e-commerce market.

Priceva will also cater for your brand’s needs. With the tool’s retail price optimisation and Digital Shelf Analytics, Priceva will bring you data going much beyond standard pricing-related issues. Additionally, Priceva is a great choice for companies’ executives because it provides innovation-powered, smart solutions that let them make fast decisions regarding pricing. This is really important since quick responses can be a total game changer when it comes to margin optimisation.

What Are Price Monitoring Tools?

Price monitoring tools enable e-commerce businesses to keep track of their pricing data and make necessary adjustments automatically. They are pieces of software that ensure your e-store’s competitiveness by providing you with insights on your competitors’ actions. Thanks to that, you can make better decisions, based on precise data.

If you use price monitoring tools, like Priceva, you are able to track not only your own prices, but also the pricing strategies of your rivals. The majority of price monitoring programs focus primarily on gathering, evaluating, and interpreting vast volumes of pricing data. Price monitoring tools continuously check a range of e-commerce sites for adjustments made by your rivals. What you get in the result is considerable competitive advantage over your competitors.

When choosing your own tool for price monitoring and competition tracking, you should remember about several things. Some tools may have various limitations, requiring you to pay extra for something that other programs might just offer right away in their standard versions. Take your time to think all the pros and cons through. The choice is actually pretty big, but making the right decision can be a true game changer for your e-store.

Priceva’s features do not seem to excel in any specific field. It seems that this tool is a great all-around solution for various e-commerce businesses. One thing for sure is the simplicity of the software’s UI. The entire set-up composes of four major steps:

  • creating a user account,
  • building a product list with XML, CSV, and Excel files,
  • adding links to the websites where your products can be found,
  • configuring custom pricing rules based on your specific business needs.

Step 3 can be skipped by delegating Priceva’s expert team to add your links for you, while you can focus on some other issues that require your attention.

Priceva is also up-to-date with the AI technology. It offers advanced, AI-powered solutions for retail price optimisation for brands. The system shows you a couple of alternative pricing scenarios, so that you can use them to craft your ultimate pricing strategy.

price monitoring system
Price monitoring system according to Dealavo

However, Priceva is not the only price monitoring tool for e-commerce. Our own proposition, Dealavo, is a Priceva alternative you might want to check before you make your final decision. Delavo offers you a wide range of price tracking features, both for brands and for retailers. Read on to see the results of our Priceva vs Dealavo comparison.

Priceva – Main Features

Priceva is a price monitoring e-commerce platform with a variety of functionalities for smaller and bigger e-stores. With Dynamic Pricing, MAP monitoring, Digital Shelf Analytics, and other life-saving features for e-commerce executives and teams, Priceva can support you across various markets and industries.

With AI-powered systems, web crawlers, and price scraping software, Priceva is able to provide you with the best quality of pricing insights, so that you can make the right decisions regarding your pricing strategy.

According to their website, Priceva’s team claim their tool’s biggest advantages are:

  • easy and quick set-up,
  • high degree of flexibility and customisation,
  • high accuracy of product matching,
  • In-depth insights and statistics,
  • high level of versatility.

Priceva’s pricing is divided into four distinct plans. What’s interesting is that the basic, “Starter” plan is free of costs. Although it’s very limited (e.g. monitoring not more than 20 sites), it still gives a good peek into what Priceva has in stock for its users, and it still includes Priceva’s MAP monitoring module.

Priceva’s price monitoring dashboard, source:

Priceva’s pros:

  • simplicity,
  • data-rich dashboards,
  • advanced Digital Shelf Analytics feature,
  • solutions for retailers and for brands,
  • free-of-costs “Starter” plan with up to 20 sites to be monitored.

Priceva’s marketing campaign creator, source:

Priceva’s cons:

  • no mention of ERP/API integrations for the time being,
  • prices update only once per day by standard (more frequent updates can be set on demand).


Comparing Priceva vs Dealavo

Dealavo, our Priceva alternative, is an e-commerce tool for price monitoring and competition tracking. Dealavo’s main feature is Dynamic Pricing that can be integrated into various e-commerce platforms, such as WooCommerce, Shopware, Shopify, and others. Our tool lets you set your custom price alerts, and offers you all your e-store needs to thrive in the competitive e-commerce market. Dealavo’s API integrations gives you access to a vast number of useful solutions regarding marketplaces, such as Amazon, eBay, or Google Shopping.

Another significant benefit of leveraging Dealavo is our double data verification. To put it briefly, this implies that Dealavo Quality Assurance team manually double-checks the data after it has been initially analysed by our AI algorithms. This guarantees that the data we gather for your e-commerce business is of the finest quality.

price montoring

Dealavo’s AI-powered features.

Dealavo’s robust Dynamic Pricing with repricing features excels in terms of customisability. The tool lets you define your own pricing rules. You are able to set different rules for different products. What’s more, you can also wish to have your prices change automatically by Dealavo’s algorithms, or require asking for your acceptance for every price change implementation.

In addition, Dealavo offers a cost-free seven-day trial for those who would like to try the tool out on their own. Please get in touch with us to arrange a demo.

Dealavo’s pros:

  • API integrations,
  • robust Dynamic Pricing with AI-powered pricing suggestions,
  • capability to integrate with platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping, and more,
  • double data verification process.

 Dealavo’s price monitoring

Dealavo’s cons:

  • some UI elements might seem a bit difficult to understand (at least for the new users),
  • there are individual integrations that might use a little tweaking.


Priceva vs Dealavo – feature comparison

Easy-to-use e-commerce platform with Dynamic Pricing and repricing features for retailers and brands.Price monitoring and competition tracking tool for e-commerce businesses with advanced, AI-powered pricing solutions.
user-friendly, intuitive UIhigh degree of flexibilitya complex set of pricing-related featuresa free “Starter” pricing plan with the monitoring of up to 20 websites for the new usersdata-rich dashboardsadvanced Dynamic Pricing with AI-powered repricingintegrations via APIdouble data verification processonline and offline prices monitoringpromotion monitoring


We hope that you find our Priceva vs. Dealavo comparison helpful when choosing the best e-commerce price monitoring and competition tracking tool for your e-store. Always remember to consider all the pros and cons of both systems, and only then make your final decision.

To sum up, as we can see, Priceva’s main advantages clearly lie in its easy-to-use UI and the possibility to sign up for its “Starter” pricing plan which lets one test the tool for free. Of course, its typical for e-commerce features are also a significant aspect, especially that Priceva offers separate solutions tailored for brands, and for retailers. Dealavo’s superpower, on the other hand, is the double data verification process that eliminates the risk that the delivered data’s quality will not be high enough to cater for your e-store’s needs. Dealavo is also excellent for in-depth competition analysis, providing you with data-rich insights on your rivals’ pricing strategies.
We know that making the final decision is probably the hardest task here, since different tools might fit different goals and objectives of your company. The Priceva vs. Dealavo comparison doesn’t give us a decisive winner. Nevertheless, it’s up to you to assess your situation and pick the best tool for price monitoring that will suit your e-store. Think about the possible advantages and disadvantages of implementing each of these e-commerce tools into your e-store, but don’t forget – you can still book a Dealavo’s 7-day trial to check our Priceva alternative for free.